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SliderProps interface

Props of Slider


export interface SliderProps extends ViewProps 


Property Type Description
lowerTrackColor any Color of the lower part of the track, it’s also the color of the thumb
max number Maximum value of the range, default is 100.
min number Minimum value of the range, default is 0.
onChange (value: number) => void Callback when value changed
onConfirm (value: number) => void Callback when the value is confirmed
onPressIn () => void Callback when slider is pressed anywhere
onPressOut () => void Callback when slider stops being pressed
step number Step value of the Slider, must be a divisor of max
thumbPadding number Padding for the hitSlop on the Slider thumb
thumbRadius number Radius of the thumb of the Slider
trackSize number The thickness of the Slider track
upperTrackColor any Color of the upper part of the track
value number Current value